I HAVE RETURNED! Sorta. With News.

Okay, so, a month ago (whoa, was it a month? sheesh), I posted that I was taking a blogging hiatus.  This was brought on by a number of reasons that aren’t totally relevant, and after some thinking and talking with friends, I made a decision.

I am going to keep blogging, because even with the struggles, I do enjoy it.  That is, I think, the one reason I have kept blogging over the years—because somewhere deep down, even when I despise it, I actually like blogging.

Here’s the catch, though.  I’m creating a brand new, shiny blog.  Totally new.  None of the baggage and everything that’s attached to this one.  (Let’s take a moment to appreciate I made this blog…four-ish years ago?  Wow.)

The new blog will be pretty different from this one.  I’m approaching blogging from a totally different angle, something that might work really well or fail really epically (in probably a bad way).  I think the only thing that’ll be all that similar between this blog and the new blog is…actually the color scheme.  (What can I say, it’s a pretty color, even if I can’t decide if it’s blue or green. I’m a writer who can’t really describe a color.  Whoa.)  So don’t be surprised at how different the posts will be.

I also made the decision to start using my pen name, so you’ll see comments under the name of Morgan or Morgan Dusky, rather than Shim.  (Feel free to keep calling me Shim if you wish, though.  I’ll still answer to that, I promise.)

So without further ado, my new blog address is http://morgandusky.wordpress.com/

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